Greg Foot: Hey guys, so this is the fourth explanation video for the 12 Explosions of Christmas. I'm Greg - Mike Sansom: and I'm Mike! Greg: and here are our four flaming puds, not yet...
Alright. We're getting very close here to finishing up our piece right now. So, let's have a look at it. As you can see, we've already modified this and added some noise here....



This is Phifertex Mesh Sand #416. Phifertex Mesh is a tightly woven mesh fabric with a 100% vinyl-coating on a woven polyester mesh. This designer mesh fabric is used extensively in interior and...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
the sun is scorching down and the sand reflect it's light i'm moving with my shadow through this empty haunted land strange sounds from nowhere and the strong wind cut my face nobody...



- Greetings, my name is Fjodor Ursaki - and I am Maxim Shotin, we are coaches at prosperous Judo School Kibuvits - We opened our school doors 7 years ago - at present moment more than 100 judo...
Hello, class. Today's lesson is going to be on griefing. Because griefing, when done well, can be both fun and excessively entertaining. Now what we are going to work with today is a sand...



[Raea]: What do you see, Alexander, as the difference between Science and Spirituality? [AG]: Well that’s a very good question. Spirituality was the Science of yesteryear. A lot of the things that...



kirkland keeping his attention on the manhattan i suppose you were contemplating something of a chapter in importance must have been from that they can look when you first nice as it happens i was...