Life's little pleasures

This world does not have much mercy. Once a criminal has served his sentence then his record remains against his name for ever. When we come to Jesus and accept Him as our Lord then He forgives our...
sin is the most awful deception It's a funny thing about sin when you're tempted the reward looks so wonderful sin never comes with a bare hook it's gotta look good and what it...
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Hey the old gardner dude didn't come Yeah...maybe he has come and left He is like the most responsible dude ever He shoud have been a manager or something He always uses the same exact line...
This generation has been brought up on toys, things that distract them from reality. People are playing video games, continuously looking for new toys, things to occupy themselves with, forever...
Hi, this is Lynne Jacob, founder of MLJ Coaching International and author of The 7 Simple Strategies for Success. What I want to talk to you about today is perception. I've been running into...
During the day it is a village like any other, quiet and without major scandals. During the night and especially on weekends, music, liquor and sex are the protagonists in "El...
Hey girls! Today I'll teach you the Nail Art "Brilho Azul" (Blue Glow). After applying the Base Coat, apply twice a light blue nail polish that you like the most on every...
The first to arrive and the last to leave. I admire your industry. You do move quietly. We all have our qualities. You look a bit lonely today. You should pay a visit to my brothel this evening. First...
Weekly Ezine Transcription / 24 Jan. 2013: Keep Your Commitment To Yourself Hi. This is Tara Marino with Elegant Femme, and this is take two of this fascinating video because the first one you only...