Hi my name is Justin White, I'm the CEO with Life4DiabetesAgents.com and we are seeking agents and managers in and around Amarillo, Texas if you have your life insurance license or...
>>> DR. JERRY BLAIVAS: Okay, so once you have healed from the surgery, after two or three months, if the incontinence is not getting better, it is time to do a preliminary...



Lisa Schneider: Dr. Shapiro let's start with you. How did you go into this type of work? I know that you are a cancer survivor yourself. Dr. Shapiro: Right. I was diagnosed when I was 20 with...



ቪሽኑጃን:ፕራብሁፓድ:አምላክ ኦሪጂናሉ ፈጣሪ እና መነሻ እንደሆነ ተናግረሃል: ሆኖም እያለ:ሰዎች ይህን ፈጣሪ ማን እንደሆነ ሳያውቁ:እንዴት ብለው ነው ማን እንደሚቆጣጠራቸው ሊረዱት የሚችሉት: ማንም ሰው ክርሽናን ስለማያውቅ እና እርሱ የፍጥረት ሁሉ መነሻ መሆኑን ስለማያውቁ: እንዴት ብለው ነው የሚቆጣጠራቸው እንዳለ...



നിശബ്ദധ വാക്കുകളിലുടെ പങ്കു വെച്ചത് സമര്പിക്കുന്നു ജീവിതം ഒരു പ്രശ്നം അല്ല നിങ്ങള്‍ ചോദി ക്കുന്നു : എനിക്ക് ഒരു യഥാര്‍ത്ഥ ചോദ്യം ഇല്ലേ എന്ന്. അത് ഒരു വലിയ ഉള്‍കാഴ്ച ആണ്! പ്രകൃതിയില്‍ യഥാര്‍ത്ഥ ചോദ്യം...
I was in the United States Army. I was a PFC when I left, and I served in OIF from '05 to '06. I was 24, I had had a kid, and I was newly married. And I felt like it was the right time...