Good morning This morning pastor Scott is going to talk about enjoying the good news that Jesus Christ came to give us on a day-to-day basis everyone wants to hear good news and there is really no...
"TOME ESSA PÍLULA" Lembrete de Saúde, lição 2 Quer esquecer aquela doença horrível e seguir em frente? -Sim! Tome essa pílula e esqueça que você está doente. Você também poderá...



"Surfs Up!” I love that phrase. “浪起来啦!” 我喜爱这句话。 It's another way of saying, "The waves are firing". 它的意思是说:“可冲浪的浪潮很棒哦”。 If you don't get on it now, you miss...
The year before I started surfing, 我还没有开始冲浪的前一年, my friend let me carry his board for him to the beach. 朋友让我帮他提冲浪板到海滩。 Wow, I felt stoked as I thought 哇,我感到无比的兴奋 to myself everyone would think I was...
hello %um I'm responding to your %um your %um request, for %uh some kind of testimony I guess what, testimony about %um,,, jesus or %uh why he might be %um why his name might be different than...
"A Very Sad Day" Soldiers took- (Excuse you.) Soldiers took Jesus to see the Roman ruler. He said, "This man has done nothing wrong." But the people shouted,...
I think God is not something that I feel I can fully understand and embrace and touch. I don’t believe that God is really making every single decision in my day-to-day life. I don’t feel that that’s...
I sure do believe that God exists, and I think it's kind of hard to really classify or explain what God really is. I think that God is the collective unity of all of human and animal beings on...
un cristo que viene y para hablar un poquito más del tema de iquique la trinidad lleva años mencionó que esa doctrina conozco mucho münter menem concluye así un poquito mal la chica del estado gina...

