Let the sunshine through me

Allright. Let's go on. So this here is probably the longest level in this game. By longest I mean that there's the most to do overall. You can actually finish it in the matter of...
Didn't get a shout out on your last album, what you hate me? Arrrf Said I was your dog Said I was your nigga that let you see it all through the fog Arrrf Said I was your mans and them And any...
Are you from Kinkora? Is mama doing fine? How are Earl and Lenny? Oh I miss that crowd of mine. What's that dear, am I happy here? Oh they're awfully good to me. Still cry a tear, I am...
Oooh baby you... You got what I need.. Baby girl , I want your love Cuz friends is not enough Oooh baby you... You got what I need.. (got what I need) Baby girl you're so amazing Too bad...
gonna let the sun shine on me gonna let it take away the sorrow from me gonna keep my chin up oh so high gonna do the things that i've never tried gonna make the best of my life cuz...
Previously on AMC's The Walking Dead... You look at me, stay with me, you hear me? Bites kill you. The fever... burns you out. But then after a while... You come back. They're in...
Here I go, walking home on a cold winter night, and my day was just such a mess. People tend to be strange, always picking a fight going crazy from all the stress. As I dig through my bag to get hold...
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