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Come si posiziona l'Italia nel mercato della combustione e dell'energia ricavata dal legno? Attualmente ci sono 10 milioni di impianti domestici tra caldaie, stufe, caminetti o cucine,...



It 's like a minor art Made of wood and rags That wants to tell you of my love That tries to paint it like a picture It 's a love that does not run, but it walks And that almost hides...
(Music playing.) Simone Legno: Everything I design on Illustrator, like almost always, starts from a sketch. So now I will just sketch something simple for you to show you where everything starts....
www.agristella.com - Burning treatments and impregnation (copper sulfate): BURNING we apply the surface charring a technique very ancient that serves to preserve and enhance the technical...



The primary school of Conegliano presents the animated film the adventures of... Carpenter Antonio one fine day obtained a funny piece of wood that cried and laughed and talked away just like the...
Listen, listen to me well for the first time in Italy we are very proud to present one of the greatest and innovative producer of the Californian music scene To all of you, lovers of the experimental...
(Music playing.) Lynda Weinman: Hello Simone! Thank you so much for coming to Lynda.com. We are very excited to have you. Simone Legno: I am very pleased to be here. Lynda Weinman: So I wanted to talk...
Made with the best "Made In Italy" technology and materials of the highest quality, Comfort is the electrically powered slatted bed base that guarantees excellent anatomical and...
Survival: how to light a Fire hi guys today I will show you how to light a fire during an emergency with the bow drill technique that was one of the most effective applications of friction fire The...