RURAL LIFE IN ENGLAND. Oh! friendly to the best pursuits of man, Friendly to thought, to virtue and to peace, Domestic life in rural pleasures past! COWPER. THE stranger who would form a correct...
LITTLE BRITAIN. What I write is most true..... I have a whole booke of cases lying by me, which if I should sette foorth, some grave auntients (within the hearing of Bow Bell) would be out of charity...
THE INN KITCHEN. Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn? FALSTAFF. DURING a journey that I once made through the Netherlands, I had arrived one evening at the Pomme d'Or, the principal inn of...
RURAL FUNERALS. Here's a few flowers! but about midnight more: The herbs that have oil them cold dew o' the night Are strewings fitt'st for graves—— You were as flowers now...