All right, howard. We gotta bring her home. <i>Scheduled time of one hour</i> <i>and 45 minutes has elapsed.</i> <i>Set course for...
Hello everyone and welcome to Reel Talk Movies. I am Chad Ryan and today we are talking about The Great Gatsby. This is the film based on the book by F. Scott Fitzgerald and its about a man named Nick...
Kate Winslet gets hitched (again!) in a secret ceremony! People Magazine reports that the Oscar-winning actress tied the knot with her third husband, Ned Rocknroll, earlier this month in a private...
Hi and welcome to AC News! Here’s today’s video clip, movie news are coming up! Premium Rush is the new movie casting Joseph Gordon Levitt, debuting in theatres August 24th. Levitt is Wilee, a very...
The fisherman's innocent son The south african smuggler The journalist who exposes 'blood diamonds' The fisherman´s wife The fisherman (who finds the diamond) One of the...
Hello Squeak the Hamster here. Last time I Squeaked to you it was about about one direction. I wanted to look more like a lady and I followed your wonderful suggestions and revealed to you my...
Thank you. New cups? So, what did you want to talk about? - My job, the holiday.. I want to leave you Frank. Do you know the definition of insanity? - what is it Frank? The inability to relate to...
Hi everyone from AC News! Let's see the today's trailer, cinema news is coming up! The Ides of March has maybe been the most well talked movie released this year, but apparently...
Leonardo Da Vinci. versus Leonardo Dicaprio. BEGIN! I'm an inventor, you are an actor. My personality's real, your characters are fake. Have you seen the inventions I used to make?...