Niah Caves 1 by TravelPod member christosp Niah Caves 2 by TravelPod member christosp River crossing at Niah Caves NP by TravelPod member ceriandsteve Traders Cave, Niah Caves national park by...
“My name is Fran Lawas-Grodek. I’ve been with NASA for, this will be my 29th year at NASA. I’m a computer engineer in the IT Security Office here on the lab. I work with a group of people where we...
so los angeles county recently passed measure B that is the safer sex in adult film Industry Act and what it does is requires condoms be warned in adult movies now there a lot of people who are...
RHASHADA: The last thing I wanted was to end up in court, but it was my money and my friend promised he'd pay it back by the end of the month, but it's been over a year now and I...
Thank you, Senior Constable. No further questions, Your Honour. MAGISTRATE: Thank you, Sergeant. Just wait there, please. -Ms Duncan? -Yes, Your Honour. Do you wish to cross-examine the witness? Yes,...



JASON: The first time I came here was two weeks ago. I asked for an adjournment, and they gave me two weeks to get some legal advice. It was a hassle having to go back a second time, but it was worth...



(GENTLE MUSIC) WOMAN: Finally, I had my day in court. This is called a hearing. On the day of the hearing you should check the court list and see what courtroom you're in. The listings should...



(BEEPING) JASON: Going to the local court is a bit like going to the local hospital. It's something you don't want to do, but sometimes you just have to do it. ANNA: You'll...

