i'd like to start up the afternoon as you probably all know those of us who have been an adult add for some time this truly is a changing landscape an adult education i've been an...
well comparatively i think a lot of the press is focused on the fact that women in other countries have reached the highest office in the land and there's been questions as of late as to why...
Hello, my name is Daniel Rosbottom. I am the Head of School of Architecture and Landscape, which is one of seven schools within the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture at Kingston University. The...
We have a wonderful masonry shop here. It's a good opportunity for Penn College to shine. Pennsylvania College of Technology recently cemented a bond with Penn State landscape architecture...
Once you have imported a collection of files and folders, and seen what we mean by maximum visibility and Quickzoom, you've reached the point when you can start to take advantage of...



[music playing] Larry Thompson: On April 14, 2003, the founding directors of the National Human Genome Research Institute, Dr. James Watson, and his successor, Dr. Francis Collins, declared during a...
Roel Verhaak: All right. Thank you, Chuck. I'd like to thank the organizers for allowing me the opportunity to speak here today, and I want to specifically mention to Kenna that I did just...
<i>It was on the day of the May Dance,</i> <i>that Tess's father encountered the parson</i> <i>who revealed to him what...