Looking at the ground below. i see it all and realize. there's nothing there to overthrow. there's nothing there to dignify. i do what i've done before. i walk where i've been so i know the way. and...



Em plantas de tratamento de esgoto, o lodo orgânico extraído está sendo cada vez mais utilizado como como uma fonte valiosa de energia. O Biogás produzido pode fornecer grande parte da própria...



כאשר ילד נולד אנחנו עושים כל שביכולתנו להגן עליהם לטפח אותם לאהוב אותם ליבו ונפשו של ילד הם שבירים כשהם גדלים, אנחנו רוצים ללמד אותם כל שאנחנו יודעים אנחנו שולחים אותם לבית ספר כדי למלא את דעתם עם...
Zouk Dance Course With this course I want you to teach how to Zouk Zouk is couple dance So, don't hesitate to stay close to you partner Step one: Zouk Cannelle (Cinnamon or Sweet Zouk) Very...
Dharamsala by TravelPod member cat2222 Dharamsala by TravelPod member cat2222 Dharamsala by TravelPod member cat2222 The temple in Dharamsala by TravelPod member cat2222 Prayer wheels by TravelPod...
Tibet sign by TravelPod member hildreth75 Monks by TravelPod member hildreth75 Monks by TravelPod member hildreth75 Prayer flags by TravelPod member hildreth75 This Buddha eats very unhealthy! by...
On the road by TravelPod member pussandjulesy Hehe no bush wee here, yeah right! by TravelPod member pussandjulesy Driving through a town by TravelPod member pussandjulesy Stretch tuk tuk! by...
Yoga teacher Ina is completely excited Only few people get as close to the Dalai Lama as her Hello, I am Ina. I am a Kundalini Yoga teacher I am proud and very happy that I have won today Thich Thien...
Boat Ride by TravelPod member robrucky Bridge Across Lake by TravelPod member robrucky Buddhist Temple and Monastery by TravelPod member robrucky C**** Market 1 by TravelPod member robrucky C****...
(sound of Tibetan horns) (sound of helicopters) The Colorado Rockies, September 2006 His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalia Lama flies to one of the most beautiful peace monuments, The Great Stupa of...