She's never rosy Sometimes she's down She's got a blue side Let her out, let her out right now She's never green She's been around She's got a dark side She's been found on the wrong side of town...
I know who you are I think i've seen you before my friend Already shook your hand Don't push me too hard I'm not prepared for a talk my dear Prefer to disappear No! don't be upset I just can't take it...
but rises every night at sunset." Chick is right. This is silly stuff. Dracula-- Chick ! Chi...ick ! What's the matter ? You know that person you said there's no such person ?...
Hello everyone, welcome back Today I bring you a review about... guess what? Can't you see? My eyes are greeeeen~~! I'll review a pair of circle lenses that I was sent by the...
A majestic beast with mystical powers. FREEMAN: This is one of the most amazing things ever attributed to an animal. A death-defying mission to the top of the world. It became the biggest mystery of...
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Subtitled by John Evans Edited by Luis Loaiza and J.C. Ah, geez, I'm running late! [Intercom] Good morning, and welcome to the Black Mesa Transit System. Who said that?!? [Intercom] Good...

