There was a young girl living in Nazareth who was promised in marriage to a man named Joseph. Her name was Mary. The Lord is with you and has greatly blessed you! Don't be afraid, Mary. God...
david packard shell david that dot com let's talk about the so-called hire our s scandal this is the uh... love this is the story this is the that the story that is based around the r_n_c_...
s southerner paulette pasha of maine it's part of his uh... gubernatorial duties will sometimes go and speak to elementary kids in schools and for the second time at a school governor la paz...
I'm gonna show you some video here love tea party Republican got congressman Scott Desjarlais is telling an 11-year-old girl at a town hall meeting I just a few days ago that her undocumented...
El método de inhalación es un método muy efectivo cuando está congestionada tu nariz, cuando tienes problemas de senos nasales congestionados, alergias, gripes y resfriados Lo que necesitas es sal de...