Gouvernorat de Deir Ezzor, 23/06/2012 La victime civile Djamal Alrakad, tué dans le pilonnage violent sur la ville Un obus s'est abattu sur sa maison le tuant anisi que son fils aîné Khaled...
Subtitledtrailers.com - Did you miss me, baby? - You know you did. - How much? - A lot! If we make a bit more money, maybe we can get married on Christmas day. Oh my God, I'd love that! All we...
Hello? Elmira? What’s up? Can we meet at 1:50 in front of the clock tower? Come alone, OK? See you in a bit, bye. Boston is 25 and he has decided to get married today. We’ll put the girl in the car...



Homs, Karm Al Zeiton 10 1 2012 Allah is the Greatest! There is no power except in Allah See the extent of dirtiness Assad's dogs have reached! Afaf Mahmoud Sarkibi She went to Tartous with her...