Welcome to the American home of music, movies and television, Los Angeles, the city of angels,\N\h Where the pioneering spirit of the first Americans exploring the west lives on and you find the rich...
מר. קאַרני: באַגריסונג. גוט נאָכמיטאָג. דאַנק פֿאַר זייַענדיק דאָ. אנטשולדיגט מיר האט צו אָפּלייגן די בריפינג. זייער פאַרנומען טאָג. איך האב אַ זייער וויכטיק פּערסאַנעל מעלדן צו מאַכן. פאקטיש, איך...
right now is that what that really lauren's ana machine was a former employees at citigroup and she said that she was fired because she was too hot and it made her mail uh... colleagues...
d z è m a n n 2012:0926.1116 dzemann@ymail.com In my dreams are yellow flames, And in a hoarse voice, dreaming, I say: - Wait a little, wait a little, - It will be clearer in the morning! But even in...



Ashhadu an la ilaha illaLlah wahdahu la sharikaLlah He has no partner, there is none like Him We believe in only One Allah Let's say again; Ashhadu anna Sayyidina Muhammadan 'abduhu wa...