(Abu 'Umar): Ma'am, there are 45 corpses here, including children. They were slaughtered with knives. The regime has adopted a new means of killing. It's bombarded the province...
Okay. So now I'm going to explain how to defend yourself against slashing with a knife. Okay. This is very important to talk about the differences between slashing and stabbing. So, basically,...
TRES TEW: Hi, I'm Tres Tew. I'm an instructor here at Yeshua's Ryu Martial Arts. I'm going to be teaching you about how to use open hands to defend yourself against the...
TRES TEW: Hi, I'm Tres Tew. I'm an instructor here at Yeshua's Ryu Martial Arts. I'm going to be teaching you about how to use open hands to defend yourself against the...



TRES TEW: Hi, I'm Tres Tew. I'm an instructor here at Yeshua's Ryu Martial Arts. I'm going to be teaching you about how to use open hands to defend yourself against the...



Hello. Today i will show you how to correctly use the knife. You must point your red cross a bit higher than straight ahead, like this. And not to mention run and hit. This is the best way to kill...



Welcome back to another video. Now in this video I am not going to show you guys how to cook anything, I am just going to show you what knives I use, because recently I have been getting a lot of...
Hello ladies and gentlemen if Youtube ah this is stick guy 187 and thank you so much for tuning into my very first ever video I'll be doing a knife review today of the Ontario Knife Joe Perdue...
Once you've gotten your point A to point B and you've cleaned out, following that ribcage, you're just going to take your knife and keep following that line. You can see the...
the david package intended that dot com welcome to the show we've got some great interviews today multiple correspondents in tampa at the republican national convention but before we get to...