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The kingdom of God is about Jesus Christ about following HIM and about DOING HIS WILL. It is not about YOU or ME about our joy, our fun or our pleasure. It is about OBEDIENCE TO JESUS. Jesus said...
Did you know that there is NO SUCH THING as paid pastors in the Kingdom of GOD? Jesus said "You CANNOT serve both God and Money... You cannot serve two masters, either you will love one and...
Many people will confess to believe in Jesus but very few will obey Jesus and will serve Him as Lord and Master. Very few will work for Him. Jesus said that you must be born again to enter the kingdom...
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Welcome everyone to the program IN THE BEGINNING. I am Fr. Linh. Today we celebrate the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B. Our Gospel passage is from Saint Mark, chapter twelve, from...
Many people claim to be born again but they are not, they do not know Jesus Christ. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Master, and Jesus Christ is IN YOU and you are IN CHRIST, then you...
My name is Angelina Edblom. What we are doing is, we're doing a community outreach within the community, and it's called Backyard Revival. And it's at 121 South Eurika Avenue....