The kingdom of God is moving on, it is growing every day. Every day more people are being born and those who decide to follow Jesus are added to His kingdom. Those who have become servants of the...
[Darris McNeely] This past weekend was our second round of Kingdom of God Bible Seminars. I was in New York City where we had quite a number of people show up in spite of three inches of snow that we...
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Most preachers and religionists speak of the kingdom of God. But just what is this kingdom—and when does it appear? Is it in heaven? Is it the British Empire?—the universal church?—or the Millennium?...
Church organizations are businesses that are aimed at delivering satisfaction to you, a SERVICE to you. That is why they invite you to a SERVICE, CHECK-UP a TOP-UP. It is to make you feel good so that...



The organized church system, organized churches, are utterly demonic, controlled by satan and they are part of this world, NOT of the Kingdom of God. They are legitimized by governments because they...
God promises His children a Kingdom. We are heirs and joint-heirs with Jesus of the Kingdom of Heaven. That is the promise of God, but many believers are not willing to work for that Kingdom to invest...