Other things that I can't live, that I can live without for two weeks in my kitchen are probably some of my every day dishes. So here are my every day dishes right here. And as you can see, I...
To pan fry Tempeh, start with a pan that's set to medium high heat. You want your oil to reach about 330 to 350 degrees. You're going to want to put about a quarter inch of oil into...
To soft boil an egg you first want to start off with a pan full of boiling water and the water should be at a rolling boil. Next were going to take our egg and place it into the pan and you want to...
This is the drawer where I keep all my plastic containers for storing food and I recommend actually not packing these any of these. Even if you don't need them for packing food, they can be...
My name is Abby Jones and I am talking about the process of moving into a new apartment or a new space and setting up that space in an efficient way. Right now I'm talking about the kitchen...
I’m Lee. I have a degree in architecture and about ten years in the construction field and today we’re doing a fairly ornate countertop in my own house. Both of the countertops are using the basic...
I’m Lee. I have a degree in architecture and about ten years construction experience, and today we’re installing a new dishwasher in your kitchen remodel. This connector on the end of the drain, the...



Hi, I'm Simon McNamara, I'm executive chef at Canterbury Leagues Club. A couple of things I'd like to touch on today were having a great relationship with your suppliers,...
I’m Lee. I have a degree in architecture and about ten years experience in the construction field. We’re installing a new supply line for the hot water. We have the pipe going through the cabinet...