Every actor you work with has a different method, same with the director. You have to figure out what your shared language is and how to best support each other, and also take care of yourself.
I think as a whole America is dealing with the issue of homophobia. We got to be really honest about whether we believe in civil rights for all people or not. As Black people we need to remember the...
I always prided myself on the fact that I could live out of milk crates forever. It was kind of my way of detaching from materialism.
I think generalizations of any sort are dangerous. I'll say, if that is the case - right now it's an American issue.
I wouldn't just come home from school and watch TV everyday, they had me involved in lots of local theatre. I was a very dramatic, talkative child. And that was part of my mother's creative solution -...
I come from the theater and I plan to always do theater. So I don't really see myself not being able to act even if people don't think I am sexy enough for film at 40, I'll still be acting.
About a year ago I got really exhausted from reading bad scripts and I know that I am a writer and that I have stories to tell, so I thought, 'Let's do this!' So I'm co-writing a screenplay now with...
That's what acting is - it's about... having the courage to allow your audience into the private moments of your characters' lives.
So many struggled so that all of us could have a voice in this great democracy and live up to the first three words of our constitution: We the people. I love that phrase so much. Throughout our...
I really love research. It's one of the things I love most about my job. I feel like it's me in the lab cooking up the character.