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The roots of our music, which is called jazz... The roots begin with the American BLUES. And for that... The thing about the Blues is that it has one basic structure, and within that you can do...
Hi, I'm Alexander, and I'm Tanja. We want to talk about Keri Shull and her fabulous efforts of helping us a purchase a home, build from the ground up. Keri Shull provided us excellent...
Hello everyone, my name is Jack, and I recently purchased an investment property with Keri Shull, and I want to talk about my experience. I heard about Keri's VIP House Hunters Program, so I...
[hip-hop music] Captioning and audio description provided by the U.S. Department of Education. (Mike) FROM NICKELODEON STUDIOS IN ORLANDO, FLORIDA, WELCOME TO GUTS, THE ACTION SPORTS SHOW...
[BLANK_AUDIO] Keri Lehmann and I'm the founder and CEO of Savvy Bohéme: Hand-Crafted Authentic Body Care. So I own a skin care company. We manufacture. We formulate and then we manufacture....
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JANE: Hi I am Jane JOHN: And I am John. We are the Spanns. JANE: And we are here to talk about our incredible experience with Amanda Olson and the Keri Shull team. JOHN: Things go very fast in this...
Hi, I am Keri Shull with Keller Williams and the Keri Shull team, and today I am going to talk to you about our VIP House Hunter Service, and how it benefits you by giving you access to properties...
Dime Divas, give it to me Hopped up out the bed, turned my swag on Took a look in the mirror, said what's up? Yeah I'm gettin' money, oh Hopped up out the bed, turned my swag...