Every kid that has a passion whether it be for skating, surfing or snowboarding has that same feeling It's their freedom a lot of the skaters actually love to surf its just seems like...
*music plays* Gee, I'm glad you stayed all night, Bobby! Don't you like the cereal? Oh, yeah, but it's a little mushy. It's not crisp, like the kind my breakfast pals...
residual income you know you want it hey we are all about residual income and lifestyle we like to travel ski camp hike and we've tried lots of different ways to create residual income...
[music] (woman) It was just almost like déjà vu. It's so sad. (Kelly Clem) My name is Kelly Clem and I'm the pastor of Holmes Street United Methodist Church in Huntsville, Alabama. I...
Breaking is a huge part of my life. Like it's a huge part of my life. I don't take it for granted, you know, but there are other things you know in life I would have to like take care...
KEEBZ: I feel a lot of kids nowadays they don’t study the dance enough. Learn everything it has to offer and don’t be ignorant to its foundation. I do get nervous, but I feel like if you use that to...
My approach towards competitions and battles has changed because I just have fun, like I don't care. It's an aggressive dance and I get that and it started in New York because you know...
Confidence, especially in a battle, confidence is key. You know if you see someone with no confidence doing all these crazy moves, you're not portraying that he wants it, you know. Once you...
I don’t know what to say, really. 3 minutes, to the biggest battle of our professional lives, all comes down to today. Now, either we heal as a TEAM, or we’re gonna crumble. Inch by inch, play by...
web hosting hub is the ideal choice for those who are relatively new but serious about their hosting services aimed at that diy do-it-yourself type customers offers plenty of tools to get your site up...

