Keith richards

You don't start to play your guitar thinking you're going to be running an organisation that will maybe generate millions.
There's no substitute for live work to keep a band together.
Give me a guitar, give me a piano, give me a broom and string; I wouldn't get bored anywhere.
You didn't know whether Chuck Berry was black or white - it was not a concern.
This is the rock 'n' roll life, and you had to invent it as you went along. There was no textbook to say how you operate this machinery.
I've never had my hair cut by anybody, I do it all myself.
To make a rock'n'roll record, technology is the least important thing.
Yes, I've been trepanned. That's quite an interesting experience, especially for my brain surgeon, who saw my thoughts flying around in my brain.
If you don't know the blues... there's no point in picking up the guitar and playing rock and roll or any other form of popular music.