( Intro ) Yo Check the sound Motherfuckers Fkhater ga3 les haters Decalage Fo9 L'beat Bg Prod nigga . #Bourgogne #BgrTeam Idek fiiih al 3awd Rak 3aref l'blan 9asedkom ntoma bjouj bg...
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Hey it's me Destin welcome back to Smarter Every Day. So I've been learning a lot about guns underwater, which is pretty cool. I mean, in the first video I learned all about what's happening back here...
Hey guys, Matt here with Fox Airsoft, today I'm taking a peek at the LCTAKS74UN. This is another beautiful replica by LCT, just like all other LCT replica AK variants, it's going to...
Let's go for a new ride! Wild Trigger battlefield " The Hostel " with of The Monkey's airsoft team ! Me : Contact ! This game is a " Confirmed "...



Que piensas de las mentadas de madre que les estamos haciendo a jachi kukies *son unos pasados de verga la neta -quiere llorar- algo que nos quieras decir ya para finalizar si que fuimos a un hospital...



- Hola. Estamos acá con Juan Esteban. - He estado viendo una parte de la discusión sobre la Ley Lleras. - Cuéntanos algo. Tu opinión sobre cómo afectaría esto al trabajo en Internet que hacemos...



you r rad you know this is Matt the 29 nine-year and our this series I've invented been created and originated the red-hot muzzle brake series is actually a inspired by guy named cars and...
?one of the hottest new accessories the mission crossbows has offered this year is the RSD the Removable Silent Draw I can crank the bow back this easy where I can uncrank driven off a warm gear not...
Hi I'm Mark from Optics Planet and I love my job. I'm here today to talk to you about the Crimson Trace MVF-515 this looks for all the world like a standard vertical foregrip and...