every situation with mel gibson you remember he got busted and he went on this anti-semitic grant and said %uh the juice dot all the wars itself that he went on to %uh comment on the server breasts...
Bischof Williamson, sind das Ihre Worte?: "Nicht ein einziger Jude wurde durch Gas in Gaskammern getötet. Das sind nichts als Lügen, Lügen, Lügen." Sind das Ihre Worte? Sie zitieren...
Provided by reciprocal agreement with William Gazecki. To order the complete DVD visit https://www.fbdthemovie.com/order.html This is a new science: socio-cyberneering. And this is its inventor, the...
PETE WATTS: Well, the number 666 is pretty famous, or I suppose you could say infamous. 666 is called the number of the beast. And the reason that the number 666 has become infamous is not just...