hello everybody and today I'm going to talk about how to get famous on ins ask.fm sorry K so first of all you would sign into your ask.fm profile and then the only thing you have to do is go...
though want to have a a okay but I'm gonna be here well right now all Han you the may God bottles didn't really renwick lower-level I O as you can see I get my big nightmare %uh...
Hey you know I'm southbound on this motherfucking street for ten muhfuckin' years, strong know'm I'm saying? Drive to LA Rolling Sixty out dis muhfucka. I been...
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You know who I think is the hottest guy around? No, who? Hard to say, because you think everyone is hot. No, I don't! I will tell you who I think is really hot. Ok, who do you think is really...
Haha Feelin so artsy Are you artsier than me? We'll see Had that familiar face, it Stayed in the background exchanging looks Cuz I really aint one for the major push Pull back as a matter a...
Take Sixteen. Take sixteeeeen. Go. Can we pretend that our time spent at SB Will never end I could really use some love right now, love right now, love right now Can we pretend that our time spent at...
okay so i need to ask you something guys okay so on this screen it doesn't even HAVE to be on this screen what should I play what game? okay look I have the demo for papers please a...



ma ma ma ma (what is it child?) ma ma ma ma (are you sick again?) ma ma ma ma (do you got that swine flu there talkin' bout on the news?) ma ma ma ma (it's time to call the cdc!)...