2 by TravelPod member seanlangwade 3 by TravelPod member seanlangwade 1 by TravelPod member seanlangwade 5 by TravelPod member seanlangwade 7 by TravelPod member seanlangwade 6 by TravelPod member...



What's up guys, it's Q For my second vlog, I'm gonna be talking about my upcoming mixtape, The Qoncrete Jungle First of all, the reason why I named it The Qoncrete Jungle Is...



קאַפּיטל 7 אַלע זומער לאַנג די משפּחה טוילד, און אין דעם פאַל זיי האבן געלט גענוג פֿאַר דזשורגיס און אָנאַ צו זיין באהעפט לויט צו היים טראדיציעס פון דיסאַנסי. אין די יענער טייל פון נאוועמבער זיי...
Hey What's Up GG (Guys & Girls) CouilleBleu 這次要來玩 打野的臭老鼠 這邊有符文 天賦 技能順序 還有道具 讓對面的打野神怒跳 買完這些東西 直接傳送過去跑到對方野區插根眼睛 躲到野怪出來然後跟著劇本上演重擊偷怪的戲碼 只要用這種小技巧 讓那些「劉仲集」們哭哭去吧 既然他有重擊 鐵定想要拿第二個 Buff 的 跟著他 留在...
Hey, what's up GG (guys and girls)? CouilleBleu's back today to play... Here are the runes, masteries, skill distribution and items that you'll need to counter jungle your...
Hey, what's up GG (guys and girls)? CouilleBleu's back today to play... Here are the runes, masteries, skill distribution and items that you'll need to be the best flying...
>> ZEBRA: Howaye doin'. I’m Zach. I’m a zebra. And I was applying for job adverts in the Savannah Times for eight months with no success. I was informed that I wasn’t doing...