well everybody what is all services that you to demonize one bringing you some more uh... the lor the rings the rise of which kenya mouth middle-of-the-road which can gain likely to die and on this is...
(piano playing) Man: The dory is riding up the great swell and the fisherman is taking that moment to make sure that he can see the ship he's got to reach. Girl: We're looking at...
[Music] Hello and welcome to the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library's online tutorial on downloading audiobooks to your digital device. We start off on the Buffalo and Erie County Public...
Es quizas el relato favorito de la era moderna ... una historia fantastica de un viaje epico para salvar a un mundo en conflicto. La trilogía literaria "El Señor de los Anillos '...



So I want to start with a number. And this is a very significant number, actually. And I hope you'll enjoy to know, that this is the life expectancy of a hobbit. And this number is evidence of...
If you don't mind my asking... Oh, Bilbo Baggings. I'm lucy Pevensie. It's nice this place. Did you do it yourself? No it's been in the family for years. That's...
- Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Misty Mountains, the shooting locality of The Children of Húrin epos. We had the opportunity to interview one of the performers, the honorable...
TREASURE ISLAND by Robert Louis Stevenson Chapter 19 Narrative Resumed by Jim Hawkins: The Garrison in the Stockade AS soon as Ben Gunn saw the colours he came to a halt, stopped me by the arm, and...
Hi my friends, Today I bring you the review of INSIGNIA by S. J. Kincaid the story book develops in the future, where humans have discovered the resources from the solar system, and this causes the...