Translated By : ALHOSANI Exclusive For : المكسيك 1966 في القوة والمساواة والاعتراف بحرية الفرد التامة حين تكون حرا" . لاتدرك أهمية الحرية طبعا" عرفت في...



Hello, I am dr Mirjana Živanov. Today I will talk about Simillimum. What is Simillimum? What is the difference between homeopathic prescription based only on coping with the patients diagnosed...
É por isto que os acontecimentos me desanimam Eles encontram uma outra história Note para quem as rodas giram Elas giram de novo e giram para esse tempo Tudo que ela pede é força pra me abraçar E...



אני בטח לא הראשון לדבר על הבועה התל אביבית שהאוניברסיטה ברמת אביב היא אולי אחד המעוזים הגדולים שלה אבל האמת, כשהגעתי למעונות בפעם הראשונה גיליתי משהו אחר לחלוטין בסוף הארוחה אור הזמינה את כולם...



Manchester, szülőhelye a vasútnak, a komputernek, és a kacsázó bombának. 1976-ban ha látni akartad a legmeghökkentőbb bandákat a világon, ott voltak egy manchesteri műsorban. Az én műsoromban. Tony...



E' certo un fenomeno di ogni stadio della vita Che vuoi dire? Beh...A un certo punto ce l'hai...Poi lo perdi. E se ne è andato per sempre, in ogni stadio della vita Georgie Best, per...
Вече си имала контакт с тях. По един или друг начин все някой ще те убие. Разбери, плъзнали са навсякъде. Време е да се събудиш. Светът, в който живееш, е само една захаросана обвивка. Под него е...



if you have a business and you're not successfully growing by using social media marketing and the internet you market your products or services this might be the most important video you can...
After the great war the 70% of the humanity was annihilated. The 29% who could afford for it hid in underground hives. A 1% survived in the outside world. To survive people grouped in bands, they...
I hope this is the last time I have to face such a lack of success. Just saying, you'll have to work with each other to provide my safety during the press conference of this afternoon. Is all...