INTO City University London Departure Guide. When you are on the plane be sure to fill out your landing card. The flight attendant should hand out the landing card at some point during the flight. The...
This is believed to be the truck that a British man named Abu Suleiman used to carry out a suicide attack on the Aleppo Central Prison in Syria on 6 February 2014. The photo was tweeted out by the...
The best cartoon karting games understand that precision is of the utmost importance. You can layer as many wacky characters and hilarious weapons as you want on top, but the core driving experience...



If you happen to have your historic hat on, you might remember a 1993 Ocean game called Sleepwalker. Sleepwalker's Journey is quite a lot like that, but in place of a canine assistant...
Gorilla Gondola is curiously reminiscent of recent iOS hit Tongue Tied! Both games feature animals in unusual situations, and both use unique methods of propulsion to guide the mammalian avatars....
The very best games aren't afraid to play around with the rules and regulations of genre, experimenting with new gameplay mechanics. Of course, mash-ups require the deftest of hands to guide...



Four French hostages kidnapped in Niger in 2010 have been released. The hostages can be seen here walking alongside the President of Niger, who reportedly obtained their release. The men were seized...
>>Narrator: As journalist increasingly report from violent areas and disaster zones, the need for specialist media training is on the rise Bournemouth University's two new...
Paul Carr is in the house. I've just sat on a panel with this man. I felt a little bit honoured, because the name of the Guardian is pretty well respected, not just in the UK, there are...