And now for our viewer’s heartline on “Confucius: An Ancient Chinese Teacher & Great Sage”… Confucius is one of the greatest philosophers in history, not only China. Amir from Algiers,...
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Dead I had fallen but alive I did arise. To the Glory of Father In my Saviors Eyes Christ is Redeemer The Lion turned to Lamb The Sacrificial man God And the Son of The Great I Am He came down from...
RECEPTIONIST: Thank you for calling the dentist's office. How may I serve you? MALE SPEAKER: Hi. Hello. I would like to make a 3 o'clock appointment. RECEPTIONIST: There's...
JANE BUSSMAN: Well, I've been travelling and living in Africa for years now, and I wanted to put forward the dangerous idea that Africa is not depressing and should not be stamped out, even by...



would you he took the students must completed teams one distance which is on eight hands baby brother the edward flood water political about swine now watch what i was walking back didn't...
Giorgio told me: "Ambro, our friendship started when I was in New York and I want to finish POTC together with you over there"! Well, even though it was a difficult period due to...
You've been lonesome and complaining Telling someone...Fucked it up again Oh ok... You've been lonesome and complaining Someone gets you a blind date You've been worried about...
((Lyrics)) Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air I know I can count on you Sometimes I feel like saying Lord I just don't care You've got the love I need to see me...
((Lyrics)) For God's sake, gotta give more power to the people For God's sake, give more power to the people There's some people up there hoggin' everything...