I'm all about flannels and layers, so that's pretty much what I rock.
As an actor, you're always playing different people, so you yourself are always kind of going through an identity crisis.
Luckily, no one I've ever been in love with has needed me to save their life!
The way I look at it, movies are a different medium for storytelling than books.
I was very fortunate and didn't personally encounter any bullies in school, however bullies exist in many ways in life.
I've been the type of guy, I've always been very forthcoming with how I feel. And that it doesn't make you less of a man to like go and be like, 'This is how I feel about you. This is the truth.'
They're still working on the script - they've got to get that nailed down and they want the first movie to come out obviously, not get too ahead of themselves. But yeah, it's looking good. I love the...
Well, food's always the way to anybody's heart, I think, guy or girl.