Jojo's bizarre adventure

"JoJo's Venture" - CAPCOM/1998 ・Using-Charactor: DIO ・Difficulty:Lv4, Damage:Lv2, Time:Lv2(99sec). all settings are "Factory-Settings". its the...
"JoJo's Venture" - CAPCOM/1998 ・Charactor: DEVO ・Difficulty:Lv4, Damage:Lv2, Time:Lv2(99sec). all settings are "Factory-Settings". its the standerd-rule...



This time on NTR News Do you believe in Madoka? According to over 7000 petitioners, you should be Do you believe in Madoka? According to over 7000 petitioners, you should be Having trouble calming...
hey look at this!!! isn't cool??? i didn't know you smoke i don't then why do you have a lighter? because it's cool THE WORLD!!! what are you doing? i'll...



If olny i could hit that strange hair whit my Hammon... (Ripple) If olny i could hit that strange hair whit my Hammon... (Ripple) If olny i could hit that strange hair whit my Hammon... (Ripple) What...
Here is an English version Lyrics by ShowaCoolJapan I appreciate your correction, thank you in advance! Lyrics: "Little Busters! -Ecstasy Ver.-" by 麻枝准 (Maeda Jun) I...
"JoJo's Venture" - CAPCOM/1998 ・Charactor: MIDLER ・Difficulty:Lv4, Damage:Lv2, Time:Lv2(99sec). all settings are "Factory-Settings". its the standerd-rule...



"JoJo's Venture" - CAPCOM/1998 ・Using-Charactor: KAKYOIN ・Difficulty:Lv4, Damage:Lv2, Time:Lv2(99sec). all settings are "Factory-Settings". its the...
Okay. One, two, three, go! {Fighting sunshine, bring on the sunshine, and fight the swarms from above!} {Save our people, redeem your honor, and have a pet quail!} {I farted and my pants fell down.}...
Bizarre is kinda the baseline for STRANGE ANIME LICENSE FRIDAY. So how fitting is it that we’d feature... JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE. And no, not the fighting game that you’re probably familiar with,...