Jojo's bizarre adventure

Here he comes! Scalpels are erupting from all over his body! That's it! That's how he was able to kill the coachman in an instant! Ripple Cutter! My Ripple Cutters are far sharper than...



Hello guys, this is Ilias the Ranting Greek Gamer and today i thought to give you my first impressions of Jojo's All Star Battle for the PS3, if you are not familliar with Jojo's...
Oi, Morton. Feelin' lucky ar' ya? Want some of me lamb cannon, do ya? No i'd rather not thank you i'm not a homosexual but I would still like to be friends my spiffing...
"JoJo's Venture" - CAPCOM/1999 ・Using-Charactor: STORY-Mode(VANILLA) ・Difficulty:Lv4, Damage:Lv2, Time:Lv2(99sec). all settings are "Factory-Settings". its...
Here is an English version Lyrics of this song by ShowaCoolJapan I appreciate your correction, thank you in advance Lyrics: "get the regret over" by 片霧烈火(Katagiri Rekka) I...
Reuníos todos, coleguillas de internet. Gundarr compartir con vosotros la magia del Klingdarr. Todos los años, en la época del Klingdarr, los bárbaros buenos se reunen para decorar al oso pardo. Y...



In the 16-bit era, RPGs were big. No, really big. Sure, we got some of the best - two out of three Final Fantasies (because screw that Mystic Quest BS), Secret of Mana, Mario RPG - but the scope of...
Perhaps you heard of my work? Some have called it outlandish, eccentric, and maybe a tad morbid My words are timeless, transcendent, and perpetual. They share no equal. With a new pen, I have...



I was gonna be busy all day. First I had to go pick up Mickey Meatballs and make a collection for Tony Balls. I knew Mickey was nuts and that's how he got the nickname. He had a reputation of...
¡Bieeeeeeeeeennnn! ¡Nos hemos pasado el Mass Effect 3 tios! ¡Tronco, el final ha sido una mierda! ¿No? Si, una mierda Es el pedazo de mierda más grande del mundo Si, nosotros podríamos haber hecho un...