Time for a late breakfast. I'm so hungry. I could scarf down five vampy burgers. Rancid maggot granola. With tomato juice. It is not even freshly squeezed. Nestor? Where are our vampy cakes...



[soft music] Mmm... [chuckles] I can't believe it took so long for our first date. Maybe all good things are worth waiting for. [laughs] Wow. That's such a good line. To the vampire of...
I am the Vampire Recorder. She's gonna wipe us out. She's going to save the world. Remove your weapon. -Help, please! -Who sent you here? Move in here! Are you somehow drunk?...
Fish eye is Thai slang for corns. As tough as hard tissue... they resemble fish eyes. Found on feet or toes, corns, left untreated... can become deeply infected. Ass wipe! What's that?...
Hi, I'm Keith Gordon on the broker for ADDvantage® Real Estate in the website GetMoreOffers.com thank you for looking at his video. This video is an outline about our company, why you should...
Hey! Are you sick of getting dirty everytime you bite someone? It's not easy to wash blood and it's impossible to stay clean when your victim wiggles But here is the ultimate...
Tonight's the IRS post tax season party. We're all invited. I wonder what Denise is gonna wear OK Nance, go do your thing. I'm selling girl scout cookies. Wanna buy some thin...
Nice flavor, Bev. Finally, a busy week at the ER. Corpses everywhere! I simmered some O positive, added a hint of B and threw in a dash of rare AB negative. All thanks to a drunk driver who caused a 5...



Kia Afcari>> You work at UC Berkeley right? Carmen Williams>> Yes. I do. Kia Afcari>> So that means that your job is real simple and easy right? Carmen...



Hello, I'm Keith Gordon, broker for ADDvantage® Real Estate Services and the website www.getmoreoffers.com this video is about our accessories you can see in our accessories we have metal...