ARENA VORAZ Quer ver o que eu trouxe para você hoje? É um broche Mockingjay. Enquanto você possui-lo, nada de mal acontecerá a você. Eu prometo. Bem vindos E feliz Jogos Vorazes! Eu...



Everybody plays "Questions Only". Andy and Elidio will begin. In this game, they can only communicate through questions! If there's an affirmation or an hesitation,...
Ela é tão perfeita Ela é tipo o mais incrível bebê meio-vampiro meio-humano de todos Eu sei Ela é linda Quer dizer, não tem nadinha de estranho com esse bebê... Ela é tão gostosa! MEU DEUS! Posso...



This is The Capitol station, 99.1 in the Capital and 104.5 in the Districts. My name's Chad Silver! And I'm Brittany Gold! Today, we've got a very special program for you,...
Well guys, my name is Raul For those who do not know me I am Raul G. M. Silva writer of Legend of the Five Races and also one of the collaborators of the site Well this is my first...
Let me give you the little tour and explain the ground rules. Under no circumstances is anyone to come within spitting distance of that urn. What happens if it breaks? That urn contains an evil spirit...



O filme 'Os Vingadores' saiu esta semana e há uma equipe de super-heróis neste filme, que figuram em outros filmes como Homem de Ferro, Hulk, Capitão América, e você escreveu sobre a...



Hi guys, we passed trough San Fernando and got down to the highway You can't see it,but it's direction to Zaragoza And we found one Chavola Chavola it's a place where normaly...
People ask me how can I do it. How I get my results, or how I get so much energy and discipline. Yeah, There's a price. And it is very high. No hanging out with friends, parties... Free...
Hi everyone! It's me, Bernardo Oliveira, here in No Alvo. I'm in Antalya, Turkey, for the 2nd Stage of the Archery World Cup. And I have here with me Juan Carlos Holgado, spaniard,...