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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I grabbed her \par outside the old stables \par a...
Stephen Ward: Now that 49ers football is underway, let's take a look back at a timeline of events leading up to this inaugural season. Narrator: Charlotte 49ers Football Timeline 2006: Dr....
do you know what a crop shot is? It's that amazing ability we women tend to do when we see a man and we picture frame him; when we first meet we say: "wow, he's posing with...
PTSD in adults tends to be a little different because kids tend to be more prone to being sort of disorganized and scattered, so they won't look or be able to explain their responding to the...



Hi, I'm Emily Wishnick and I'm here with Tom Dixon. Tom: Hello. Emily: I'm an occupational therapy student at Temple University and I’m here today with Tom to teach about how...
On his 35th birthday... I decided to tell Julius Benedict... the truth about himself. Julius already knew that he was the product... of a scientific experiment... conducted by the American government....
We sealed this door the day after you were born. Well, come on in. This is what you wanted to see. You came out first, of course. We weren't expecting... him. This, uh... must be where you...
- I'm looking for Vincent Benedict. - You got him. I have rowed halfway across the world-- Wrong, I just rowed a day-- I've been looking forward to this moment my whole life....