ANNOUNCER: Tonight on CROSSFIRE, as President Obama prepares to address the nation, he hits the pause button on attacking Syria. Should he follow Russia's lead or keep threatening a military strike?...
skiers john mccain you argue or uh... well on the night on the other day but he knows more about the religion in the new deal but uh... here's john mccain desperately seeking someone else to...
bjbj Announcer: The David Pakman Show at HYPERLINK "" David: All right, we're back on the show. Coming up on today's...
that absolutely confirm med that senator joe lieberman will not run for re-election in twenty twelve all right fears and less we don't have to believe titled district does that mean let me...
julie was gonna make a stand is on face the nation uh... though there are bashi resulted in front center nelson in this clip is another one of the conserve democrats holding out unisys or just an...
this is not the case we voted for this is pool and other bullshit that's what it is okay the state's disappointing is according to an understatement time give you one more click here...
finance reform we've been fighting for all this time and the guys were fighting a lot of times is though a bomb administers tim geithner say no we can't get on the stand the bankers...
as a senator collins jesus so-called moderate publicly and uh... they're tasker hate you know it you're offering amendments to this bill that's interesting so that means that...