Alright, to start off making our clown, what we're going to do it, is we're going to have to find a subject. And as you can see here, I have chosen Miss Natalie Portman as I usually...
This is the map where I always give ban to CTs if they don't move This is great map -You like this map -Yeah I like this map I always give year if you don't move -No no no no -Listen...



On behalf of Expert Village this is Paul Anderson from Hollywood, Florida in the ABC circus. Today I'm going to show you about clown makeup. Now the white face is a very elegant clown. So...
Yeah - it's now recording... Hello - Hello - Hello - Howdy - Hey, I can see your blowholes! Okay, Greetings from Falcar We are about to rock Felbabka with our metal set Hail to all of our fans...



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Hi everybody. Hopefully by this point, you've been having some fun learning how to juggle three balls. And, in this next series, what I'm going to teach you to do is add some...



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NTV company presents: To the 300th anniversary of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg. The capital was founded a gun - shot away from the border. The first to be built was the Petropavlovskaya...
Marie Antoinette Costumes - Anyone Know Where To Get Marie Antoinette Costumes? I am going to be going to a really interesting costume event for charity and it seems so far that a lot of people are...