If you're smart enough to go to college, you should be smart and creative enough to pay for it.
Health insurance should be a given for every citizen.
I don't believe we need the government's help as much as some think we do. That belief sets me apart from the Democrats, since their way of dealing with everything is to tax and spend.
I have every right to know how my taxes are spent, how every single penny of it is spent. I have the right to know that.
If you work for the federal government, the average salary is $7,000 higher than the private sector. Something's wrong with that, when you're making more money working for the government than you can...
All of us should have free choice when it comes to patriotic displays... a government wisely acting within its bounds will earn loyalty and respect from its citizens. A government dare not demand the...
I will not be a Democrat or a Republican. They are the problem, not the solution. We need to abolish political parties in this country.
I would give the people of America to their first opportunity to elect a president who doesn't belong to either party since George Washington.
Government's role should be only to keep the playing field level, and to work hand in hand with business on issues such as employment. But beyond this, to as great an extent as possible, it should get...