Jeffrey eugenides

I spend most of every day writing. I like to write every day if I can. I don't start extremely early.
But I care about the reader, and I'm trying to keep the reader's attention for as long as I can.
I think, especially when you're in college, each book that you're reading tends to tell you who you are.
I'm aware of cliches and I'm aware of experiments that have been done and I'm aware of a kind of deadness to a lot of realism both in the language and in the structure of a book.
Well, marriage doesn't function in the way it used to in terms of deciding our fate, but it's in our heads, and it determines a lot of our actions. Like, right now, if you think about gay marriage -...
I always work in a room where there's no Internet to keep from being distracted so easily.
The daily act of writing remains as demanding and maddening as it was before, and the pleasure you get from writing - rare but profound - remains at the true heart of the enterprise. On their best...
Basically you come up with the fictional idea and you start writing that story, but then in order to write it and to make it seem real, you sometimes put your own memories in. Even if it's a character...
One of the reasons that art is important to me is sometimes it actually feels more coherent than life. It orders the chaos.
I think it is important to remind people of the extent of our free will.