Hey, this is the Gakuranman. Good evening. Today I'm doing a video response about becoming Japanese, part 3. And I'm going to try explaining things in Japanese. Hikosaemon recommended...
Good evening, everyone. My name is Ruben Quinones. I'm American, and I speak Spanish and French. I want to make this video to make a new challenge. This word, "sfida", is new...
- Did you enjoy the surprise? - It was crazy, so cool! A lot! The taxi driver was asking for just "1 real", man! You son of a bitch! I didnt check the plates, checked nothing, just...
Hello everyone welcome to my second video We were looking at mitaina... as... ...a word Mostly mitaina We looked at usagi and mimi and neko Usagi is bunny Mimi is ear and... Neko is of course cat...
Hi! I'm Dr. Margee Kerr, the Scare Specialist here at The ScareHouse. I'm here to tell you about a brand new series called SCARE U Join me for a new episode every Wednesday on The...
Hello, world. My name is Ruben. I am Puerto Rican and American, but I speak a little Chinese. Sorry, I speak slowly because I have been studying for only two weeks. I listen to Chinese and I practice...
oh, she's back, she's back, she's back she's back, oh, she's back (she's back) oh, she's back (she's back) she's back I run out...
Okonomiyaki by TravelPod member jetsedder A rice variant of okonomiyaki... also good by TravelPod member jetsedder A mess of miso but amazing by TravelPod member jetsedder Eggs over beef (wish I knew...
SPACE NEKO THEATER (C)2008 AOKI Jun Do you know sweet? Adult society is very profound. I have tought for long time. Why is "Bow-wow" considered faithful - but...
Good evening Jason-from-the-future. Today is Wednesday, January 28th, and I know what you're thinking: You're thinking: "Why am I wearing a yellow tie with a yellow shirt? Was...