Voice: Is she you? Voices: She's my mom, my partner, she's my bff, ella es me hermanita, she's my sister, she's my next door neighbor, she's my coworker. Girl...
[Narrator] In the 2nd Annual OTS Student Design Challenge, design and architecture students competed to re-imagine the front concourse of the Central YMCA in downtown Toronto. [Andrew] Ontario Tire...
Hannah: Oh Kenny: Go Megan: Watermelon Kenny: Hi, my name is Kenny Cygeirt Megan: Sorry Kenny: I was thrown off Megan: Peanut Butter, Watermelon, Lipstick (3 times) Hai: It's too dark in here...
Alright, it's around ten o'clock New Years Day. I'm suppose to do this polar plunge dealio, and 'em, it's a very nice day actually. It's 35 air...
I'm Jeroen Tas. I'm the Philips CEO for Healthcare Informatics Solutions and Services and the previous Group CIO for the company. If business people go around IT and start doing their...
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Hey, I gotta bunch of plants coming in. We gotta get some water out here. It's time to lay some pipe. They say an eco-friendly house can't be built in 150 days for $150,000, and I say...
They say an eco-friendly house can't be built in 150 days for $150,000, and I say it can. I'm Allen Smith, join me as I push the limits with time, budget and creativity with the Garden...
Hello youtube, I'm coming to you today to explain where I want to take this vlog in the future and what I'm going to do with it. So.. (that probably shook a little bit) So, as you...