In this clip we're going to talk about how to market your convention. The most important thing that you can get started with is a web site. So look up, decide on a domain name, get something...
In this clip we're going to take a happy baby or a dead bug. I'm going to let you decide which name you prefer. So come to lay on your back, just as Amy is. Knees are bent....
In this clip we're going to talk about how to organize a schedule of events for your convention. And that may sound easy, but that's generally one of the hardest things to do. What you...
Pavritta Janu Sirsana or revolve head to knee pose is a really great pose to do with more than two people. Three or four, however many. So we're all going to, this is Carrie, Carrie's...
(Soothing Music) Join me in this breath practice. Sit comfortably in a chair or a blanket. Transition yourself to the oceanfront. Breathe in through the nose. Close your eyes. Relax your facial...
Begin lying on your stomach with the tops of the feet and forehead to the floor. Place the hands directly underneath the shoulders, spread the fingers, press down through the palms, roll the shoulder...
Begin seated with the legs extended in front of you. Allow the left toes to roll outward, opening up the hip, then bend the knee and pull the left heel towards the pelvis. Grab the ankle to draw the...
Hi I’m Adrienne and this is Yoga Basics. Setting a Strong Foundation with Tadasana. Let's begin at your base. Stand with feet parallel, toes pointing forward. Experiment with the placement of...
Let's begin by coming to hands and knees in Table Top Position with the hands below the shoulders and knees directly below the hips. Walk the hands one palms distance forward and spread the...