[♪♪] [howdini - prenez un gourou] Bonjour, mon nom est Liv Hansen pour Howdini.com et Betty Crocker Kitchens. Si vous recherchez un gateau d'anniversaire spéciale pour votre petite princesse,...
Cyborg! Good morning, captain. Everything shipshape? Shipshape it is, sir, but I'm not the captain. The captain's aloft. Mr Hawkins, in the future you will address me as...
>> Hooray Hooray go for it!! Let's go!♪ >> Hooray Hooray go for it!! It's the best!♪ >> Any and all seeds sprout and become a bud,...
Hello there! This is pariskey5. And, it's not like you remember me anyways, but whatever. And i'm singing Love Me Drowned by Broadway Karkat. Before you comment anything bad, realize...