Sometimes I haven't understood why he has done things and why things happened, but I know that God has a plan.
I as an elected official would never recommend anybody to boycott any city or state.
Arizona is now recognized as a premier place in which to locate, expand and grow a business.
Ninety-nine point nine percent of the people that are gun owners are very responsible.
I took an oath to protect the people of Arizona, and that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to keep pushing in that direction.
Government just simply can't do everything for everyone.
I think that there's a liberal element out there that finds me not acceptable. They don't like my stance on a lot of issues because I am conservative.
We have over 500,000 illegal immigrants living in Arizona. And we simply cannot sustain it. It costs us a tremendous amount of money of course in health care, in education, and then, on top of it all,...
Arizona is a red state, and we're going to keep it red.