James vincent mcmorrow

I just essentially stayed at home for three years and just learned to play as many instruments as I could and listened to as many singers as I could. Like, when I got to about 19/20, I started...
With music, it feels natural that, in my head, I can pull things apart and then put them back together very quickly.
The idea of trying to predict what people will or won't respond to is risky.
I was never a 'sit down with a notepad and write lyrics' kind of person.
I don't function well in certain aspects of society, and you can read into that what you will.
I have no interest in making music that's built for an antique shop.
I grew up in a place called Malahide, which is by the water and is beautifully quiet, leafy, and part serene.
It's like half the campaign of selling a record is trying to convince people that you're an artist. Well, I am an artist. This is what I do.
I'm mostly a keep-to-myself kind of guy, but you slowly find yourself getting folded into the musical tapestry.