Jaime lerner

A city is like a family portrait - you don't tear it up if you don't like your uncle's nose.
A system of bus rapid transit is not only dedicated lanes. You have to have really good boarding conditions - that means paying before entering the bus and boarding at the same level. And at the same...
I have realized after all these years that a city that has a good quality of life attracts jobs. People don't want to invest in places if there is no quality of life.
The secret to the city is integration. Every area of the city should combine work, leisure and culture. Separate these functions and parts of the city die.
A car is like a mother-in-law - if you let it, it will rule your life.
Sometimes the media gives us the impression that we are terminal patients, because of problems of global warmth or the ozone layer. And the people, they don't understand that they can could change...
There is little in the architecture of a city that is more beautifully designed than a tree.
Garbage removal is a citizen responsibility.
We have to change from 'ego-architecture' to 'eco-architecture.'
If you want creativity, take a zero off your budget. If you want sustainability, take off two zeros.