Ma'am. Commander, Lieutenant Commander Faith Coleman. I'm your, uh, legal team, sir. Caught a redeye from San Diego. I had your files faxed so I could study them on the plane. I have two short lists...



I have one more order of business. With the CNO and commandant's blessing, SECNAV is standing up a prototype Joint Legal Service Center: Navy and Marine lawyers in the field under one command. Colonel...
- Hallo an meine Freunde! Hallo! Also, heute wollte ich mich einfach nur hinsetzen und reden und mit euch rumhängen. Und deswegen, wie geht's euch so? Mir geht's sehr gut. Ich hatte...
Es gibt diese Tür auf der 10. Etage, die ich einfach hasse. Verdammt nochmal! Machst Du diese Tür manchmal falsch auf? "Normalerweise". Wie oft? "Ca. 30 % der...
One of the things that really shocked me was in one of the breakouts they had the benefits of these programs and then the risks. Now, of the benefits, the one thing that was stated was the, just...
- ♪ It's hot as hell ♪ ♪ it's a cold war ♪ ♪ tainted words I left so pure ♪ ♪ do I walk away ♪ ♪ or let you in, let you in ♪ ♪ if I could give you advice ♪ ♪ just give up ♪ ♪ 'cause you don't want me...
-Good sleep? -Not bad. So where are we? Where you from? San Diego. Left yesterday. So you came Honolulu-Guam-Pago-here? Long trip. What do you do? I'm a psychologist. Hey, a shrink. They've called in...
Welcome to Just Between Us You might've heard rumors that we're selling merchandise! This is designed by an amazing fan, named Katie Tedesco, and she made it for a class and now we...