we started against the tide we were young and time was flying we came to see that we're undying we came to see that we're undying as we sleep the moon is hiding while we drink days are crying how we...
Darkest night brought me A surprise I was beginning to See the light A blind man's light May sunshine rise When daylight fades I have to leave This one way street It is a desert road [Chorus:] And the...
It is life's will Things come down on me You know everyday I try to leave How dare you Be part of me I wish you Get rid of me It's my mind's dream To be far away I'm sentenced to life In endless grief...
we saw this world shining bright oh, days in paradise back to the dark ages where I still belong back to the dark ages where I always was back to the dark ages and the sun was shining bright oh, we...
oh, you burned my soul oh, you did so all my soul is crawling back to you I know I hurt you as deep as no one could do no matter I apologize to you oh, I did so the worst crime I know no matter I...
if you follow me you will see that things are different behind the door let no one in don't you dare doomride is near



Stormy winds blow Inside of my head Blackened skies show Wherever I am Ambitions wasted Stranded again All gone but hatred In a weary soul I am but a shadow Of my former self [Chorus:] Creeping on In...
I remember the time when I was an man feeling like born again a member of your game and now I'm dying in vain so silent and grey and my spirit passed away these days life is sad I feel the pain and...
gates are closing I can't believe in my very inside I feel relief time to face the endless night I am leaving the room of light [Chorus:] the coming of my judgement day I am nothing I have to pay for...
day by day in my cold life I wait for my last ride emptiness for me to bear beyond I will be there it's always me to pay to false gods I prayed once again I entreat you my mind is looking forward to:...

